WeNold - Révélateur de Richesses Humaines: experienced executives over 45.


WeNold - Révélateur de Richesses Humaines (Human Wealth Revealer): experienced managers over 45 (executives, senior managers & key contributors) in France and abroad.

The experienced executive's "hand-sewn" support program:
-professional repositioning within your company
-outside redeployment towards a new life project.


  • For both the experienced manager and the company: prepare, objectify, make the path to a new start tangible and desirable.
  • Preserve the human capital of the experienced manager, and pass it on with commitment and enthusiasm to the next generation of employees.
  • Capitalize on the experience of experienced managers (professional redeployment).
  • Create a favorable environment for the experienced executive: professional repositioning internally within the company or success in his new life project outside the company.


For you, the company.

  • Valorize the departure of experienced managers (tribute and consideration) by accompanying the change in a climate of serenity within your company.
  • Benefit from the Human Capital of an experienced manager, and pass it on to his or her successor, both within the team and with the younger generation.
  • Capitalize on the experience of experienced managers (professional repositioning).
  • Strengthen your "employer" image, both internally (CSR, etc.) and externally (reputation).

For you, the experienced executive.

  • Ensure your full, positive commitment to the transmission of your human capital within the company: successors, existing teams, younger generations.
  • Benefit from a "tailor-made " coaching program to support your career transition (professional repositioning internally, new life project externally).
  • Reposition yourself within the company to showcase your recognized human capital and commitment, as well as your level of seniority, particularly in the eyes of the younger generation.
  • Get involved in building a meaningful future life project that suits you.
  • Prepare your planned departure, in complete freedom of conscience, in consultation with your company, to identify, explore and realize your new life project (personal and professional redeployment).

Nature of life project

  • Professional repositioning within the company
  • Intergenerational project
  • Business start-ups - Business takeovers - Business buyouts
  • Corporate mediation -Corporate administration - Skills patronage
  • Interim assignments - Part-time consulting
  • Higher education
  • Other life project commitments (associative, institutional, political or family)

Duration of our support program
5 components

Total duration: 12 months

Our support program, based on 6 assessments (personal, professional, retirement, wealth, provident and health), enables us to build a coherent and comprehensive personalized life project.

We offer experienced managers a "tailor-made" support package that responds above all to their personal and professional challenges.

Because we find the semantics of the words "coaching, coaches, consultants, business coaching, professional coaching, coaching sessions"... very overused, we prefer the semantics of "hand-sewn" HR support as a companion on the road who is neither in front, nor behind, nor in the place of the person, but simply at their side to reveal them : this is also a question of posture with regard to the experienced executives we support.

Like the co-monitoring we embody at WeNold, revealing is part of our DNA.

We bring out the human richness of the experienced executive, for the benefit of the company's organization or his/her future life project...

Duration of our support program
5 components

Total duration: 12 months

Our support program, based on 6 assessments (personal, professional, retirement, assets, pension and health), enables us to build a coherent and comprehensive personalized life project.

We offer experienced managers a "tailor-made" support package that responds above all to their personal and professional challenges.

Because we find the semantics of the words "coaching, coaches, consultants, business coaching, professional coaching, coaching sessions"... very overused, we prefer the semantics of "hand-sewn" HR support as a companion on the road who is neither in front, nor behind, nor in the place of the person, but simply at their side to reveal them : this is also a question of posture with regard to the experienced managers we support.

Like the co-monitoring we embody at WeNold, revealing is part of our DNA.

We bring out the human richness of the experienced executive, for the benefit of the company's organization or his/her future life project.

Your Tour d'horizon (balance sheets) - Part 1.

This comprehensive, personalized overview gives you the benefit of in-depth recommendations designed to shed light on and support your life history, your career path and the conditions linked to your future life project (retirement, wealth, provident and healthcare).

  • Personal: unfolding your life story, engineering your personal assessment, deepening your self-knowledge, appreciating your strengths, your personal drivers, your modus operandi, your communication. All this is complemented by our tools adapted to your personal environment: systemic approach, transactional analysis, Gestalt, NLP, CNV, MBTI®, FIRO®, Sophrology, Ericksonian hypnosis.
  • Professional: your career path, the engineering of your professional assessment, your skills and know-how, the identification of your operational levers, the analysis of your professional successes and/or failures.
  • Retirement: simulation of your professional career, modeling of your pension schemes: basic, supplementary, funded, taxation, accumulation opportunities, risk audit, retirement settlement, administrative procedures with the relevant bodies.
  • Wealth: inheritance audit of your personal assets, inheritance taxation, optimization of your investments, life insurance, capitalization contracts, etc.
  • Welfare: replacement income in the event of work stoppage or disability, lump-sum death benefit, education annuity, spouse's pension, "accident of life" insurance, long-term care insurance, loan insurance.
  • Health: health insurance, optimized cover, preventive support, teleconsultation, personalized advice, network of partners.

Your Tour d'horizon (balance sheets) - Part 1.

This comprehensive, personalized overview gives you the benefit of in-depth recommendations designed to shed light on and support your life history, your career path and the conditions linked to your future life project (retirement, wealth, provident and healthcare).

  • Personal: unfolding your life story, engineering your personal balance sheet, deepening your self-knowledge, appreciating your strengths, your personal drivers, your modus operandi, your communication. All this is complemented by our tools adapted to your personal environment: systemic approach, transactional analysis, Gestalt, NLP, CNV, MBTI®, FIRO®, sophrology, Ericksonian hypnosis.
  • Professional: your career path, the engineering of your professional assessment, your skills and know-how, the identification of your operational levers, the analysis of your professional successes and/or failures.
  • Retirement: simulation of your professional career, modeling of your pension schemes: basic, supplementary, funded, taxation, accumulation opportunities, risk audit, retirement settlement, administrative procedures with the relevant bodies.
  • Wealth: inheritance audit of your personal assets, inheritance taxation, optimization of your investments, life insurance, capitalization contracts, etc.
  • Welfare: replacement income in the event of work stoppage or disability, lump-sum death benefit, education annuity, spouse's pension, "accident of life" insurance, long-term care insurance, loan insurance.
  • Health: health insurance, optimized cover, preventive support, teleconsultation, personalized advice, network of partners.

Passing on your human capital (successors, existing teams, younger generations) - Part 2.

As you will have understood, this support program is only worthwhile if it guarantees the transmission of the experienced manager's human capital (successor, within existing teams, to younger generations): a crucial process for ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the organization.

  • Setting the framework for roots and wings: elements of cultural heritage to be passed on to consolidate the company's success.
  • Identify and draw out from acquired experience: skills, knowledge, sources of success, specific experience (techniques, specialized know-how, market knowledge, customer relations, etc.).
  • Develop language for sharing experience.
  • Transmit and support the transmission of company-related knowledge (DNA, key skills, culture, behavior and corporate memory) through a questionnaire and guided practical exercises.
  • Enhance the seniority of the experienced manager'sexperience to increase his or her desirability with a view to repositioning him or her within the company.

Transmission of your Human Capital - Part 2.

As you will have understood, this support program is only worthwhile if it guarantees the transmission of the experienced manager's human capital (successor, within existing teams, to younger generations): a crucial process for ensuring the continuity and sustainability of the organization.

  • Setting the framework for roots and wings: elements of cultural heritage to be passed on to consolidate the company's success.
  • Identify and draw out from acquired experience: skills, knowledge, sources of success, specific experience (techniques, specialized know-how, market knowledge, customer relations, etc.).
  • Develop language for sharing experience.
  • Transmit and support the transmission of company-related knowledge (DNA, key skills, culture, behavior and corporate memory) through a questionnaire and guided practical exercises.
  • Enhance the seniority of the experienced manager'sexperience to increase his or her desirability with a view to repositioning him or her within the company.

Your Life Project

Dream in reality, a life project that suits you!

What is a life project?

A life project is a personal decision that depends solely on you.

Quite simply, it's the census of who you are in life, forged from your experience.

The vision you had as a child, the ideal world you dreamed of, and the one you could change to suit your deepest aspirations and motivations.

Building your Life Project - Part 3.

The construction of your life project is structured around 7 steps . Each step invites you to reflect on your personal and professional life, to take the time to analyze your current situation, to appreciate your available resources, to be aware of your potential, your desires and your available capacities, to project yourself into a life project that suits you.

Evaluate the content and characteristics of your life project, based on the essentials of your life experience (personal and professional) as well as your strengths (operational levers for action).

=> Professionalism for your life project.

Evaluate the content and characteristics of your life project, based on the essentials of your life experience (personal and professional) as well as your strengths (operational levers for action).

Professionalism for your life project.

Identify the resources you need to make your life project reliable by choosing the optimum organization (technical, human and financial resources).

=> Efficiency of your life project.

Identify the resources you need to make your life project reliable by choosing the optimum organization (technical, human and financial resources).

Efficiency of your life project.

Stand out from the crowd, make yourself known and meet the needs of your life project to make it credible and concrete.

=> Satisfaction with your life project.

Stand out from the crowd, make yourself known and meet the primary needs of your life project to make it credible and concrete.

Satisfaction with your life project.

Be aware of the importance of your life project and its model in terms of qualitative results (pleasure, fulfillment, personal enrichment...) and quantitative results (gain, financial and time savings).

=> The result of your life project.

Be aware of the importance of your life project and its model in terms of qualitative results (pleasure, fulfillment, personal enrichment...) and quantitative results (gain, financial and time savings).

The result of your life project.

Anticipate changes in your life project to ensure your future.

=> Orientation of your life project.

Anticipate changes in your life project to ensure your future.

Guidance and development of your life project.

Improve or optimize your career transition while supporting change through an innovative life project.

=> Open your life project.

Improve or optimize your career while promoting change through an innovative life project.

Innovation in your life project.

Create the right environment for your life project (alliance, partnership, etc.), while appreciating the risks and challenges involved.

=> Sustainability of your life project.

Create the right environment for your life project (alliance, partnership, etc.), while appreciating the risks and challenges involved.

Sustainability of your life project.

Evaluate the content and characteristics of your life project, based on the essentials of your life experience (personal and professional) as well as your strengths (operational levers for action). 

Professionalism for your life project.

Evaluate the content and characteristics of your life project, based on the essentials of your life experience (personal and professional) as well as your strengths (operational levers for action).

Professionalism for your life project.

Identify the resources you need to make your life project reliable by choosing the optimum organization (technical, human and financial resources).

Efficiency of your life project.

Identify the resources you need to make your life project reliable by choosing the optimum organization (technical, human and financial resources).

Efficiency of your life project.

Stand out from the crowd, make yourself known and meet the needs of your life project to make it credible and concrete.

Satisfaction with your life project.

Stand out from the crowd, make yourself known and meet the needs of your life project to make it credible and concrete.

Satisfaction with your life project.

Be aware of the importance of your life project and its model in terms of qualitative results (pleasure, fulfillment, personal enrichment...) and quantitative results (gain, financial and time savings).

The result of your life project.

Be aware of the importance of your life project and its model in terms of qualitative results (pleasure, fulfillment, personal enrichment...) and quantitative results (gain, financial and time savings).

The result of your life project.

Anticipate changes in your life project to ensure your future.

Orientation of your life project.

Anticipate changes in your life project to ensure your future.

Guidance and development of your life project.

Improve or optimize your career transition while supporting change through an innovative life project.

Opening up your life project.

Improve or optimize your career while promoting change through an innovative life project.

Innovation in your life project.

Create the right environment for your life project (alliance, partnership, etc.), while appreciating the risks and challenges involved.

Sustainability of your life project.

Create the right environment for your life project (alliance, partnership, etc.), while appreciating the risks and challenges involved.

Sustainability of your life project.

Dynamics of the "Network" and communication around your Life Project - 4th part.

Speeches, presentation of your life project to a renowned and qualified network of contacts ("WeNold" network, personal network), acceleration levers.

Levers of influence: influencers, lobbies, partnerships, alliances, investors, etc.

Implementing your Life Project - Part 5.

Preparation of life project choices as they emerge. Action plans and implementation with granularity, refinement, adjustments to the life project. Future decisions.

Implementing your Life Project - Part 5.

Preparation of life project choices as they emerge. Action plans and implementation with granularity, refinement, adjustments to the life project. Future decisions.

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