WeNold, HR support for experienced executives


Accompaniment program for your experienced executives over 45 in France and abroad.

To support their career transition towards their new life project!

Invest in the future of your experienced managers and young talent.

A tailor-made career transition coaching program for your managers and experienced executives.

As key players in the transformation and growth of your organizations, your experienced executives over 45 possess a wealth of invaluable knowledge, experience and key skills that need to be passed on to your young talent to ensure continued success.

We know that some of your experienced managers, having reached the end of their career, no longer wish to continue with your company and are considering a new life project to redeploy.

Invest in our program designed to redeploy your experienced executives in their career transition and benefit from their Human Capital for the following reasons:

  • Reducing turnover costs Turnover of experienced managers is costly for any organization.
  • When your key leaders leave the company without passing on their human capital, the repercussions are manifold:

> Loss of know-how : the departure of an experienced executive often means the loss of specialized skills and experience accumulated over the years.

> Decline in operational continuity and deterioration of the internal climate : the transition of projects and responsibilities becomes more chaotic, affecting productivity and efficiency, and potentially creating a unhealthy climate within teams.

> Recruitment and training costs : replacing an experienced executive involves high recruitment costs, not to mention the time and resources needed to train and integrate a new talent.

  • Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR: in the current context, companies are increasingly judged on their ability to integrate responsible and sustainable practices around Human Capital.

Invest in our program designed to redeploy your experienced executives in their career transition and benefit from their Human Capital for the following reasons:

  • Reducing turnover costs Turnover of experienced managers is costly for any organization.
  • When your key leaders leave the company without passing on their human capital, the repercussions are manifold:

> Loss of know-how : the departure of an experienced executive often means the loss of specialized skills and experience accumulated over the years.

> Decline in operational continuity and deterioration of the internal climate : the transition of projects and responsibilities becomes more chaotic, affecting productivity and efficiency, and potentially creating a unhealthy climate within teams.

> Recruitment and training costs : replacing an experienced executive involves high recruitment costs, not to mention the time and resources needed to train and integrate a new talent.

  • Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CSR: in the current context, companies are increasingly judged on their ability to integrate responsible and sustainable practices around Human Capital.

By financing our coaching program for your experienced managers, you demonstrate a strong commitment to several key dimensions of CSR:

  • Well-being of existing teams By supporting your experienced managers in their career transition, you show that you take their mental, emotional and physical well-being and development seriously, which reinforces your image as a caring and responsible employer.
  • Ongoing professional development Providing opportunities for personal and professional development is proof that you value the ongoing growth of your experienced managers, even at an advanced stage of their careers.
  • Loyalty, commitment and consideration Loyalty, commitment and satisfaction: experienced managers who see that their company is considering them to invest in their future are more likely to remain loyal, improving retention and job satisfaction.

By financing our coaching program for your experienced managers, you demonstrate a strong commitment to several key dimensions of CSR:

  • Well-being of existing teams By supporting your experienced managers in their career transition, you show that you take their mental, emotional and physical well-being and development seriously, which reinforces your image as a caring and responsible employer.
  • Ongoing professional development Providing opportunities for personal and professional development is proof that you value the ongoing growth of your experienced managers, even at an advanced stage of their careers.
  • Loyalty, commitment and consideration Loyalty, commitment and satisfaction: experienced managers who see that their company is considering them to invest in their future are more likely to remain loyal, improving retention and job satisfaction.

Other key benefits.

  • Knowledge transfer By preparing your experienced managers for a smooth career transition, you facilitate the transfer of their knowledge and skills to new generations of talent within your organization.
  • Corporate Reputation Supporting your experienced executives in a holistic way boosts your reputation in the job market, attracting new talent and strengthening your employer brand.
  • Innovation and renewal Innovation and renewal: experienced managers who feel fulfilled and supported are more inclined to innovate, bring new ideas to the table, and even consider new forms of collaboration, thus contributing to your company's dynamism and competitiveness.
  • The realization of the life project of your experienced managers may ultimately serve the interests of your organization, with the intention of another form of collaboration.

Other key benefits.

  • Knowledge transfer By preparing your experienced managers for a smooth career transition, you facilitate the transfer of their knowledge and skills to new generations of talent within your organization.
  • Corporate Reputation Supporting your experienced executives in a holistic way boosts your reputation in the job market, attracting new talent and strengthening your employer brand.
  • Innovation and renewal Innovation and renewal: experienced managers who feel fulfilled and supported are more inclined to innovate, bring new ideas to the table, and even consider new forms of collaboration, thus contributing to your company's dynamism and competitiveness.
  • The realization of the life project of your experienced managers may ultimately serve the interests of your organization, with the intention of another form of collaboration.

Investing in this
is an investment in your company's future.

By supporting the career transition of your experienced managers :

>You reinforce their well-being and commitment,

>You ensure the continuity and stability that are crucial to your company's growth,

>You contribute to the long-term success of your organization by passing on their human capital.


We invite you to contact us so that we can share with you the philosophy behind our support program, which can be integrated into your talent development and CSR strategy.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
